Monday, 2 March 2020

Daily Spells: Courage Cord

Sometimes we feel low on courage and would need some extra protection to go along with us in our day-to-day lives. This is a simple spell that requires minimal ingredients and preparation, but can yield a powerful result. It uses correspondences to create a sympathetic bond to the goal you want to achieve: courage. So here goes:

Day: Tuesday (associated with the planet Mars, and with courage and protection among other things)
Moon phase: Waxing (growing)
Ingredients: A red cord

Your goal is to be more courageous and thus feel more protected. If it helps, you can write your goal on a piece of paper. The idea is to use the power of the growing moon to let your courage grow. As Tuesdays are associated with Mars you can also draw upon these energies. The color red is associated with courage and thus with Mars and Tuesdays, so here we find a triple connection.

This spell uses the classic knot magic. With each knot you tie you are knotting your goal into the cord, making it a physical representation of courage. You can then place it on your altar, bedside table or wear it as a bracelet, wrapped around your wrist.

During the day, ground and center yourself and then create your sacred space. Follow whatever ritual format you normally would do. As you start the spell, pick up the cord and hold it in your hands. Visualize your goal clearly. As you begin tying knots into the cord, feel your goal starting to manifest, your courage starting to grow. Tie the nine knots in the following order (starting with 1 and ending with 9) and recite the verse, always keeping your goal in focus, tying it into the cord:


With know of one, this spell's begun,
With knot of two, it comes true,
With knot of three, it comes to be,
With knot of four, power I store,
With knot of five, this spell's alive,
With knot of six, this spell is fixed,
With knot of seven, success is a given,
With knot of eight, I make it fate,
With knot of mine, this courage is mine!

So mote it be!

As you recite this and visualize your goal, feel yourself raising the energy for the spell. As you reach the end and proclaim "So mote it be!", feel that energy culminate and release it. Then finish your ritual in your usual manner and remember to ground and center. Place your cord on your bedside table or wear it as a bracelet. Whenever you feel like you need to be reminded of your inner courage, look at or touch the bracelet, it is now your focal object and you can redo the spell whenever you need to, recharging the cord. 

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