
This page lists books, web pages and other resources that I recommend (and some that I do not). It is under constant revision, and more will be added.

Most of the books mentioned here are books that I own or have read. I rarely recommend something I have not read or do not know to be credible. Some books might still be on my reading-list, but I include them if I believe them to be credible enough.

I also review books. Books that I have written reviews for will have their title in this post changed to a link. I might also discuss books in groups and will in that case also try to include links to those discussions here.

Suggestions and questions are of course also welcome. If you have a review of a book and nowhere to publish it, I will gladly include it here.

Wiccan & Witchcraft classics

Farrar, Janet & Stewart (1981/84): A Witches' Bible - the Complete Witches' Handbook
All works by the Farrars

Gardner, Gerald B. (1954): Witchcraft Today (With an introduction by Dr. Margaret Murray)
And other books by Gardner

Slater, Herman (1978): A Book of Pagan Rituals

Slater, Herman (1989): Pagan Rituals III - Outer Court Training Coven

Starhawk (1999): The Spiral Dance - A Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Great Goddess (anniversary edition)

Valiente, Doreen (1978) Witchcraft for Tomorrow
All works by Valiente (I especially recommend Natural Magic)

Classics of eclectic Wicca

Buckland, Raymond (1986): Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft (Revised and expanded)
Other recommended titles include The Tree - Complete Book of Saxon Witchcraft

Cunningham, Scott (1988): Wicca - A Guide to the Solitary Practitioner
A very productive writer with many good books

Cunningham, Scott (1993): Living Wicca - A Further Guide to the Solitary Practitioner

Ravenwolf, Silver (1998): Teen Witch - Wicca for a New Generation
A productive writer. Other recommended titles include To Ride a Silver Broomstick and Solitary Witch.

Newer titles that I personally recommend

Auryn, Mat (2019): Psychic Witch - A Metaphysical Guide to Meditation, Magick & Manifestation

K, Amber & Azrael Arynn K (2006): Ritualcraft - Creating Rites for Transformation & Celebration

LeFae, Phoenix (2019): What is Remembered Lives - Developing Relationships with Deities, Ancestors and the Fae

Lipp, Deborah (2007): The Study of Witchcraft - A Guidebook to Advanced Wicca

Lipp, Deborah (2003): Elements of Ritual - Air, Fire, Water & Earth in the Wiccan Circle

Lipp, Deborah (2017): Magical Power for Beginners - How to Raise and Send Energy for Spells that Work

Mankey, Jason (2019): Transformative Witchcraft - The Greater Mysteries

Mooney, Thorn (2018): Traditional Wicca - A Seeker's Guide

History & academic works

Adler, Margot (1979/2006): Drawing Down the Moon - Witches, Druids, Goddess-worshipers and other Pagans in America

Dell, Christopher (2016): The Occult, Witchcraft & Magic - An Illustrated History

Frazer, Sir James (1890): The Golden Bough - A study in Magic and Religion. Can be accessed via: Project Gutenberg E-book

Graves, Robert (1948): The White Goddess - A Historical Grammar of Poetic Myth

Hutton, Ronald (1999): The Triumph of the Moon - A History of Modern Pagan Witchcraft
Ronald Huttons documentary about Wicca: Britain's Wicca Man

Murray, Margaret (1921): The Witch-cult in Western Europe - A study in anthropology.  Can be accessed via: Project Gutenberg E-book
NOTE: Although Murray's theories about the Witch-cult have been completely debunked, they do provide an interesting read and formed some of the inspirational basis for Wicca.

Pearson, Joanne (2007): Wicca and the Christian Heritage - Ritual, Sex and Magic

Pearson, Joanne (2013): A Popular Dictionary of Paganism (available as e-book)

White, Ethan Doyle (2016): Wicca - History, Belief and Community in Modern Pagan Witchcraft

Interesting, useful, and fun reads

Blake, Deborah (2010): Witchcraft on a Shoestring - Practicing the Craft Without Breaking Your Budget

Cunningham, Scott (1990): Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Wicca in the Kitchen

Cunningham, Scott & Harrington, David (1983): The Magical Household

Whitehurst, Tess (2013) Magical Fashionista: Dress for the Life You Want

Occultism & Ceremonial Magic

Crowley, Aleister (1938): The Book of the Law

DuQuette, Lon Milo & David G. Shoemaker (2020): Llewellyn's Complete Book of Ceremonial Magic - A Comprehensive Guide to the Western Mystery Tradition

Lévi, Éliphas (2002): The Key of the Mysteries - translated by Aleister Crowley


Gray, Eden (1970): A Complete Guide to the Tarot

Herbs, oils and insences

Culpeper, Nicholas: The Complete Herbal, on Project Gutenberg

Griev, M.: A Modern Herbal at

Other books

Nice, Harmony (2018): Wicca - A Modern Guide to Witchcraft and Magic

Llewellyn's NNNN* Sabbats Almanac

Llewellyn's NNNN* Witches' Companion - A Guide to Contemporary Living

Llewellyn's NNNN* Witches' Spell-a-Day Almanac

*Insert year here

Other resources and links to such

Gardenerian Wicca - This page has information about Gardenerian Wicca. The link goes specifically to their resource-page, but the whole website is worth giving a read-through. - a webpage in Finnish with information on traditional Wicca. - A Swedish website with information about Wicca

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