Tuesday, 16 January 2018

Some life updates

I hope your new year has begun in a nice manner!

Mine has been very hectic. I started a new job as a music teacher and between lessons and preparing the next day I have had zero time to think about blogging. I have tried to squeeze in some sewing during the weekends so I have a few projects I will show off here as soon as I have time to photograph them. If you want to follow me more closely you can find me on Instagram under the name @stellagreymoore.

Anyway, I love my new job. Yes, it is very hectic, but it is also very creative and challenging in a good way. I find myself pushing forward and challenging myself in ways I had not imagined possible. 15 years ago in school we all had to try playing the drums and the bass guitar. I have not tried them since, which I have always felt is a shame. I have never played the electric guitar. During the past week I have delved into all of these. I picked up my old acoustic guitar again and started playing at home, and I bought an ukulele because apparently that is the hip instrument to play today.

I studied to be a teacher for half a year as an extra part for my degree, but not as a music teacher. I have a degree in studies of religion. So getting my mind set to teaching music from kids age 7 to youngsters age 19 has been mental gymnastics. I am getting there, at my own pace. And I'm having a lot of fun with it. The only downside, as mentioned, has been that I have not had time to blog.

Hopefully that will change soon because I have a few things I have planned. I've decided to try out the Witch Casket box and once the January box arrives I am planning on doing a box opening and review of the content.  I'm also planning some other reviews, and I am planning on trying to put up a few more recipes and sewing tutorials.

That is pretty much all for now. Enjoy your tea and may your new year be productive!



  1. You know what? You rock, as a teacher and as a friend. Keep on being the awesome you!
